Programming Reference
Function | Command | Command | Classification | Standard | Page |
Type | Name | Descriptions |
| Mode | Mode |
Kanji | FS S | Set left- and | Setting |
Kanji | FS W | Turn | Setting |
Miscellaneous | ESC @ | Initialize printer | Executing |
Setting |
| |||
| |
Miscellaneous | ESC L | Select page mode | Executing | ( ) | Ignored |
Miscellaneous | ESC S | Select standard mode | Executing | Ignored |
Miscellaneous | GS ( K [49] | Printing density setup | Executing |
Miscellaneous | GS I | Transmit printer ID | Executing |
Miscellaneous | GS P | Set horizontal and vertical motion units | Setting |
Miscellaneous | GS c | Print counter | Executing |
Miscellaneous | RS p | Set number of copies of printing data | Setting+Executing |
Bar Code | GS ( k | Specify and print the symbol | Executing |
Bar Code | GS H | Select printing position of Human Readable | Setting |
Interpretation (HRI) characters |
| |||
| |
Bar Code | GS f | Select font for HRI characters | Setting |
Bar Code | GS h | Set bar code height | Setting |
Bar Code | GS k | Print bar code | Executing |
Bar Code | GS w | Set bar code width | Setting |
Bar Code | RS e | 1D Bar code Generic Setting | Setting |