Programming Reference
Command | Function | Command | Classification | Standard | Page |
Name | Type | Descriptions |
| Mode | Mode |
RS J | Action | Rewind command (back feed) | Executing |
RS L | Action | Print | Executing |
RS a | Text Format | Setting |
| |
RS e | Linear bar code | 1D bar code generic setting | Setting |
RS i | Graphics | Draw line/box | Executing | Ignored |
RS m | Image | Save *.bmp image into flash | Setting |
RS n | Image | Print *.bmp image | Executing |
RS p | Miscellaneous | Set number of copies of printing data | Setting+Executing |
RS q | Serialization | Serialization setting | Setting |
RS r | Serialization | Print serialization | Executing |
RS t | Macro | Define flash macro | Setting |
RS u | Macro | Execute macro | Executing |
US 1 | Paper Sensor | Top of form control | Setting |
US 2 | Paper Sensor | Top of form offset setting | Setting |
US 3 | Paper Sensor | Auto | Setting |
US 4 | Paper Sensor | Setting |
| |
US 7 | Paper Sensor | Paper sensor setting | Setting |