Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 2 Common Control Cards
2.5 2.5.3 XC10G Hosting DS3XM-6 or DS3XM-12
2.5.3 XC10G Hosting DS3XM-6 or DS3XM-12
A DS3XM card can demultiplex (map down to a lower rate) M13-mapped DS-3 signals into 28 DS-1s
that are then mapped to VT1.5 payloads. The VT1.5s can then be cross-connected by the XC10G card.
The XC10G card can host a maximum of 336 bidirectional VT1.5s.
2.5.4 XC10G Card-Level Indicators
Table 2-17 describes the two card-level LEDs on the XC10G faceplate.
VT12 Group5/VT2
VT13 Group6/VT2
VT14 Group7/VT2
VT15 Group1/VT3
VT16 Group2/VT3
VT17 Group3/VT3
VT18 Group4/VT3
VT19 Group5/VT3
VT20 Group6/VT3
VT21 Group7/VT3
VT22 Group1/VT4
VT23 Group2/VT4
VT24 Group3/VT4
VT25 Group4/VT4
VT26 Group5/VT4
VT27 Group6/VT4
VT28 Group7/VT4
Table 2-16 VT Mapping (continued)
ONS 15454 VT Number Telcordia Group/VT Number
Table 2-17 XC10G Card-Level Indicators
Card-Level Indicators Definition
Red FAIL LED Indicates that the cards processor is not ready. This LED illuminates during
reset. The FAIL LED flashes during the boot process. Replace the card if the
red FAIL LED persists.
Green (Active)
Amber (Standby)
Indicates whether the XC10G is active and carrying traffic (green), or in
standby mode to the active XC10G card (amber).