Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
78-17191-01 MiniBNC Insertion and Removal Tool 1-26
1.5.6 SMB EIA 1-27
1.5.7 AMP Champ EIA 1-28
1.5.8 UBIC-V EIA 1-32
1.5.9 UBIC-H EIA 1-33
1.5.10 EIA Replacement 1-37
1.6 Coaxial Cable 1-37
1.7 DS-1 Cable 1-37
1.7.1 Twisted Pair Wire-Wrap Cables 1-37
1.7.2 Electrical Interface Adapters 1-38
1.8 UBIC-V Cables 1-39
1.9 UBIC-H Cables 1-44
1.10 Ethernet Cables 1-50
1.11 Cable Routing and Management 1-52
1.11.1 Fiber Management 1-53
1.11.2 Fiber Management Using the Tie-Down Bar 1-54
1.11.3 Coaxial Cable Management 1-54
1.11.4 DS-1 Twisted-Pair Cable Management 1-55
1.11.5 AMP Champ Cable Management 1-55
1.12 Alarm Expansion Panel 1-55
1.12.1 Wire-Wrap and Pin Connections 1-56
1.13 Filler Card 1-60
1.14 Fan-Tray Assembly 1-61
1.14.1 Fan Speed and Power Requirements 1-62
1.14.2 Fan Failure 1-62
1.14.3 Air Filter 1-63
1.15 Power and Ground Description 1-63
1.16 Alarm, Timing, LAN, and Craft Pin Connections 1-64
1.16.1 Alarm Contact Connections 1-66
1.16.2 Timing Connections 1-67
1.16.3 LAN Connections 1-67
1.16.4 TL1 Craft Interface Installation 1-68
1.17 Cards and Slots 1-68
1.17.1 Card Slot Requirements 1-69
1.17.2 Card Replacement 1-72
1.17.3 Ferrites 1-72
1.18 Software and Hardware Compatibility 1-73