Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 12 SONET Topologies and Upgrades
12.8 12.8.1 Span Upgrade Wizard
Note Replacing cards that are the same speed are not considered span upgrades. For example replacing a
four-port OC-3 with an eight-port OC-3 card or replacing a single-port OC-12 with a four-port OC-12
To perform a span upgrade, the higher-rate OC-N card must replace the lower-rate card in the same slot.
If the upgrade is conducted on spans residing in a BLSR, all spans in the ring must be upgraded. The
protection configuration of the original lower-rate OC-N card (two-fiber BLSR, four-fiber BLSR, path
protection, and 1+1) is retained for the higher-rate OC-N card.
To perform a span upgrade on either the OC192-XFP or MRC-12 card with an SFP/XFP (known as
pluggable port modules, PPMs, in CTC), the higher-rate PPM must replace the lower-rate PPM in the
same slot. If you are using a multi-rate PPM, you do not need to physically replace the PPM but can
provision the PPM for a different line rate. All spans in the network must be upgraded. The 1+1
protection configuration of the original lower-rate PPM is retained for the higher-rate PPM.
When performing span upgrades on a large number of nodes, we recommend that you upgrade all spans
in a ring consecutively and in the same maintenance window. Until all spans are upgraded, mismatched
card types or PPM types are present.
We recommend using the Span Upgrade Wizard to perform span upgrades. Although you can also use
the manual span upgrade procedures, the manual procedures are mainly provided as error recovery for
the wizard. The Span Upgrade Wizard and the Manual Span Upgrade procedures require at least two
technicians (one at each end of the span) who can communicate with each other during the upgrade.
Upgrading a span is non-service affecting and causes no more than three switches, each of which is less
than 50 ms in duration.
Note Span upgrades do not upgrade SONET topologies (for example, a 1+1 group to a two-fiber BLSR). Refer
to the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide for topology upgrade procedures.
12.8.1 Span Upgrade Wizard
The Span Upgrade Wizard automates all steps in the manual span upgrade procedure (BLSR, path
protection, and 1+1). The wizard can upgrade both lines on one side of a four-fiber BLSR or both lines
of a 1+1 group; the wizard upgrades path protection configurations and two-fiber BLSRs one line at a
time. The Span Upgrade Wizard requires that all working spans have DCC enabled.
The Span Upgrade Wizard provides no way to back out of an upgrade. In the case of an error, you must
exit the wizard and initiate the manual procedure to either continue with the upgrade or back out of it.
To continue with the manual procedure, examine the standing conditions and alarms to identify the stage
in which the wizard failure occurred.
12.8.2 Manual Span Upgrades
Manual span upgrades are mainly provided as error recovery for the Span Upgrade Wizard, but they can
be used to perform span upgrades. Downgrading can be performed to back out of a span upgrade. The
procedure for downgrading is the same as upgrading except that you choose a lower-rate card type. You
cannot downgrade if circuits exist on the STSs that will be removed (the higher STSs).