Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 12 SONET Topologies and Upgrades
12.9 12.9.3 Path Protection to Two-Fiber BLSR
12.9.3 Path Protection to Two-Fiber BLSR
CTC provides a topology conversion wizard to convert a path protection to a two-fiber BLSR. An
upgrade from a path protection to a two-fiber BLSR changes path protection to line protection. A path
protection can have a maximum of 16 nodes before conversion. Circuits paths must occupy the same time
slots around the ring. Only the primary path through the path protection is needed; the topology
conversion wizard removes the alternate path protection path during the conversion. Because circuit
paths can begin and end outside of the topology, the conversion might create line-protected segments
within path protection paths of circuits outside the scope of the ring. The physical arrangement of the
ring nodes and spans remains the same after the conversion.
12.9.4 Two-Fiber BLSR to Four-Fiber BLSR
CTC provides a wizard to convert two-fiber OC-48 or OC-192 BLSRs to four-fiber BLSRs. To convert
the BLSR, you must install two OC-48 or OC-192 cards at each two-fiber BLSR node, then log into CTC
and convert each node from two-fiber to four-fiber. The fibers that were divided into working and protect
bandwidths for the two-fiber BLSR are now fully allocated for working BLSR traffic.
12.9.5 Add or Remove a Node from a Topology
You can add or remove a node from a linear ADM, BLSR, or path protection configuration. Adding or
removing nodes from BLSRs is potentially service affecting; however, adding and removing nodes from
an existing 1+1 linear ADM or path protection configuration does not disrupt traffic. CTC provides a
wizard for adding a node to a point-to-point or 1+1 linear ADM. This wizard is used when adding a node
between two other nodes.