Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 8 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
8.5 8.5.1 Node View
Figure 8-4 Terminal Loopback Indicator
Figure 8-5 Facility Loopback Indicator Node View Card Shortcuts
If you move your mouse over cards in the graphic, popups display additional information about the card
including the card type; the card status (active or standby); the type of alarm, such as Critical, Major, or
Minor (if any); and the alarm profile used by the card. Right-click a card to reveal a shortcut menu, which
you can use to open, reset, delete, or change a card. Right-click a slot to preprovision a card (that is,
provision a slot before installing the card). Node View Tabs
Table 8-7 lists the tabs and subtabs available in the node view.
Green IS-NR (In-Service and Normal) The port is fully operational and
performing as provisioned. The port transmits a signal and
displays alarms; loopbacks are not allowed.
Violet OOS-AU,AINS (Out-of-Service and Autonomous, Automatic In-Service)
The port is out-of-service, but traffic is carried. Alarm
reporting is suppressed. The node monitors the ports for an
error-free signal. After an error-free signal is detected, the
port stays in OOS-AU,AINS state for the duration of the
soak period. After the soak period ends, the port service
state changes to IS-NR.
Raised fault conditions, whether or not their alarms are
reported, can be retrieved on the CTC Conditions tab or by
using the TL1 RTRV-COND command. The AINS port will
automatically transition to IS-NR when a signal is received
for the length of time provisioned in the soak field.
Table 8-6 Node View Card Port Colors and Service States (continued)
Port Color Service State Description
Table 8-7 Node View Tabs and Subtabs
Tab Description Subtabs
Alarms Lists current alarms (CR, MJ, MN) for the node
and updates them in real time.
Conditions Displays a list of standing conditions on the