Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 14 Alarm Monitoring and Management
14.3 14.3.7 Viewing History
If you check the History window Alarms check box, you display the node history of alarms. If you check
the Events check box, you display the node history of Not Alarmed and transient events (conditions). If
you check both check boxes, you retrieve node history for both. History Column Descriptions
Table 14-6 lists the History window column headings and the information recorded in each column. Retrieving and Displaying Alarm and Condition History
You can retrieve and view the history of alarms and conditions, as well as transients (passing
notifications of processes as they occur) in the CTC history window. The information in this window is
specific to the view where it is shown (that is, network history in the network view, node history in the
node view, and card history in the card view).
The node and card history views are each divided into two tabs. In node view, when you click the
Retrieve button, you can see the history of alarms, conditions, and transients that have occurred on the
node in the History > Shelf window, and the history of alarms, conditions, and transients that have
occurred on the node during your login session in the History > Session window. In the card-view history
window, after you retrieve the card history, you can see the history of alarms, conditions, and transients
Table 14-6 History Column Description
Column Information Recorded
Num An incrementing count of alarm or condition messages. (The column is hidden by
default; to view it, right-click a column and choose Show Column > Num.)
Ref The reference number assigned to the alarm or condition. (The column is hidden by
default; to view it, right-click a column and choose Show Column > Ref.)
Date Date and time of the condition.
Node Shows the name of the node where the condition or alarm occurred. (Visible in network
Object TL1 AID for the condition object. For an STSmon or VTmon, the object.
Eqpt Type Card type in this slot.
Shelf For DWDM configurations, the shelf where the alarmed object is located. Visible in
network view.
Slot Slot where the condition occurred (only displays in network view and node view).
Port Port where the condition occurred. For STSTerm and VTTerm, the port refers to the
upstream card it is partnered with.
Path Width Width of the data path.
Sev Severity level: Critical (CR), Major (MJ), Minor (MN), Not Alarmed (NA),
Not Reported (NR).
ST Status: raised (R), cleared (C), or transient (T).
SA Indicates a service-affecting alarm (when checked).
Cond Condition name.
Description Description of the condition.