Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R7.0
Chapter 11 Circuits and Tunnels
11.18 11.18.3 Single and Dual Rolls
Figure 11-19 Single Roll from One Circuit to Another Circuit (Destination Changes)
Figure 11-20 shows one circuit rolling onto another circuit at the source.
Figure 11-20 Single Roll from One Circuit to Another Circuit (Source Changes)
Note Create a Roll To Circuit before rolling a circuit with the source on Node 3 and the destination on Node 4.
A dual roll involves two cross-connects. It allows you to reroute intermediate segments of a circuit, but
keep the original source and destination. If the new segments require new cross-connects, use the Bridge
and Roll wizard or create a new circuit and then perform a roll.
Dual rolls have several constraints:
You must complete or cancel both cross-connects rolled in a dual roll. You cannot complete one roll
and cancel the other roll.
When a Roll To circuit is involved in the dual roll, the first roll must roll onto the source of the
Roll To circuit and the second roll must roll onto the destination of the Roll To circuit.
Figure 11-21 illustrates a dual roll on the same circuit.
Figure 11-21 Dual Roll to Reroute a Link
Figure 11-22 illustrates a dual roll involving two circuits.
Node 1
Node 2
Node 4Node 3
Original leg
New leg
Node 1
Node 2
Node 4Node 3
Original leg
New leg
Node 1
Node 2
Original leg
New leg