Start and Configure the System
Perform a Basic Configuration Using Configuration Mode
At the reboot, the following example appears:
Any interface listed with OK? value "NO" does not have a valid configuration.
Ethernet0/0 unassigned NO not set down down Serial1/0 unassigned NO not set down down
Step 1 Enter the configure terminal command at
the enable prompt to enter configuration
mode from the terminal, as follows:
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Step 2 Enter the interface type slot/port
command at the enable prompt to enter
interface configuration mode, as follows:
Router(config)# interface serial slot/port
Step 3 Press
Step 4 At the # prompt, enter the copy
running-config startup-config command
to save the configuration to NVRAM as
Hostname# copy running-config startup-config
Your Cisco 7507 router is now minimally configured and ready to use. If you want to modify the parameters after the initial configuration, use the setup command. To perform more complex configurations, use the configure command. For more information on additional interface configuration and information on more specific system configurations, refer to the Cisco 7500 Series Installation and Configuration Guide.