Install Field Replaceable Units (FRUs)
Make a Flash Memory Card Image Bootable
Note In this example, the filename is new.image, and the Flash memory card is located in slot 0.
Step 1 Enter the configure terminal command at
the enable prompt, as follows:
Router# configure terminal
Step 2 Enter the no boot system command, as
Router(config)# no boot system
Step 3 Enter the boot system flash
slot0:new.image command, as follows:
Router(config)# boot system flash
Step 4 Enter the config-register 0x2102
command to enable loading an image
from Flash memory:
Step 5 Press
Step 6 Enter the copy running-config
Hostname# copy running-config startup-config
Step 7 Enter the reload command. When the system reloads, it will boot the image new.image from the Flash memory card in slot 0.
Router# reload
Enable Booting from Flash Memory
To enable booting from Flash memory, set configuration register bits 3, 2, 1, and 0 to a value between 2 and 15 in conjunction with the boot system flash device:filename configuration command, where device is bootflash:, slot0:, or slot1:, and filename is the name of the file from which you want to boot the system. In the following example, the Flash memory card is in slot 0.
Step 1 Enter the configure terminal command at
the enable prompt, as follows:
Router# configure terminal
Step 2 At the prompt, enter configuration
commands, one per line.
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
Step 3 Press
Step 4 Enter the boot system flash bootflash:slot0: filename command, as
Router(config)# boot system flash
Step 5 Enter the
Step 6 Press