Test the CSC50-ER emergency connect phone
1.Make sure the phone numbers and your message have been entered.
2.Call your friends, family or neighbors to let them know you are going to test the
3.After you hang up the phone, press the Remote Band’s Emergency Connect But- ton.
5.If the person it calls doesn’t answer within about 30 seconds or answers but doesn’t press a number key, the
6.To turn off or hang up, press X or STOP button on your band remote or on the phone base.
Test your
At least once per month you should test your remote band’s emergency connect button by following the directions above.
If your remote band does not work reliably from locations where it has worked before, you should immediately replace the battery (see page #37) and check to be sure the phone’s antenna is in its proper placement.
To Cancel The CSC50-ER Emergency Connect Call
In case of a false alarm or mistaken activation, press the STOP or X button on the
Advanced CSC50-ER Emergency Connect
Phone Operation
If a family member or friend to whom you’ve given your Monitor Access Code becomes worried about you or wants to call back after they have called 911 for help, this feature allows them to call you. They can turn on the speakerphone of your