Operation 4-13
LCD Messages - Alphabetical Listing continued
LCD Message | Message | Meaning |
| Type |
Erase | Status | The drive is erasing data from the cassette x where x |
Tape x |
| represents the cassette number. |
Illegal | Error | This is an error message. A cassette was inserted in the |
Cassette |
| magazine incorrectly. The magazine will be ejected with the |
Config |
| incorrect cassette in position 7 or 8. Remove all cassettes |
| and reinsert them correctly, making sure they are put back in |
| the original positions they were in when first loaded in the |
| magazine. |
Illegal | Error | This is an error message. This occurs when there is at least |
Magazine |
| one, but less than seven cassettes in positions 1 through 7. |
Config |
| The magazine will eject. Reload according to one of the |
| configurations in the section, “Loading the Magazine With |
| Cassettes.” |
Init | Info | The AutoLoader is moving all cassettes back to their original |
Element |
| positions. |
Status |
Ldr HW | Error | This is an AutoLoader hardware error. In some cases the 4th |
Error |
| line can display additional information about the problem or it |
ResetReq |
| can display the SCSI error code generated as M4sxxsxx |
| where the xx’s represent the additional sense code and |
04xxxxxx |
| qualifier. |
Load | Status | Loads cassette x into the drive, where x represents the |
Tape x |
| number of the cassete being loaded. |
Locate | Status | The drive is finding a location on the tape specified by the |
Tape x |
| host. x represents the number of the cassette. |
Magazine | Status | The DAT AutoLoader is ejecting the magazine. |
Eject |
Magazine | Status | Indicates a magazine has been inserted and is moving into |
Loading |
| position in the AutoLoader. |
Medium | Error | This is a medium error. There was a problem reading or |
Error |
| writing data to the cassette. A SCSI error code can be |
| displayed on the 3rd line as M3sxxsxx where the xx’s |
03xxxxxx |
| represent the additional sense code and qualifier. |
Move | Error | Moves cassette x from the magazine to the drive, where x |
Medium |
| represents the cassette number. |
x => Drv |