Data Editing

Global Prefix/Suffix

Up to 20 ASCII characters may be added as a prefix (in a position before the bar code data) and/
or as a suffix (in a position following the bar code data) as indicated in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2. Prefix and Suffix Positions
Example: Setting a Prefix
In this example, we’ll set a prefix for all symbologies.
1. Determine which ASCII character(s) are to be added to scanned bar code data. In this
example, we’ll add a dollar sign (‘$’) as a prefix.
2. Scan the START bar code.
3. Scan the SET PREFIX bar code.
4. Reference the ASCII Chart on the inside back cover of this manual, to find the hex value
assigned to the desired character. The corresponding hex number for the ‘$’ character is
24. To enter this selection code, scan the ‘2’ and ‘4’ bar codes from Appendix C, Alpha-
Numeric Pad.
5. Scan the END bar code once to finish the string, then scan END again to exit Program-
ming Mode.
6. The resulting message string would appear as follows:
Scanned bar code data:12345
Resulting message string output: $12345
If all 20 characters will be used in the prefix or suffix, do
not scan the END bar code to finish the string. It is done
Prefix SuffixAIM IDLabel ID Label IDBar Code Data
00 - 20 Characters (ASCII)
