Single Cable RS-232
Product Reference Guide

Single Cable RS-232 RTS CTS Selection

Specifies how RTS and CTS are used to control the data flow. RTS is controlled by the Scanner

and can be continuously held high/low, or can be asserted during label transmission. The scan-

ner looks at CTS, as the configuration values state, to determine when to send label data.

Choices are:

Option 0 = RTS is held in low state and CTS is ignored

Option 1 = RTS is held in high state and CTS is ignored

Option 2 = Assert RTS and wait for CTS to be asserted

Option 3 = Assert RTS and ignore CTS

Option 4 = RTS held low, wait for CTS to be asserted

Option 5 = RTS held high, wait for CTS to be asserted

RTS CTS Selection =
RTS is held in low state and CTS is ignored
RTS CTS Selection =
RTS is held in high state and CTS is ignored
RTS CTS Selection =
Assert RTS and wait for CTS to be asserted
RTS CTS Selection =
Assert RTS and ignore CTS
RTS CTS Selection =
RTS held low, wait for CTS to be asserted
RTS CTS Selection =
RTS held high, wait for CTS to be asserted