RPM — revolutions per minute — The number of rotations that occur per minute. Hard drive speed is often measured in rpm.
RTC — real time clock —
SAS — serial attached SCSI — A faster, serial version of the SCSI interface (as opposed to the original SCSI parallel architecture).
SATA — serial ATA — A faster, serial version of the ATA (IDE) interface.
ScanDisk — A Microsoft utility that checks files, folders, and the hard disk’s surface for errors. ScanDisk often runs when you restart the computer after it has stopped responding.
SCSI — small computer system interface — A
SDRAM — synchronous dynamic
serial connector — An I/O port often used to connect devices such as a handheld digital device or digital camera to your computer.
Service Tag — A bar code label on your computer that identifies your computer when you access Dell Support at support.dell.com or when you call Dell for customer service or technical support.
setup program — A program that is used to install and configure hardware and software. The setup.exe or install.exe program comes with most Windows software packages. Setup program differs from system setup.
shortcut — An icon that provides quick access to frequently used programs, files, folders, and drives. When you place a shortcut on your Windows desktop and double- click the icon, you can open its corresponding folder or file without having to find it first. Shortcut icons do not change the location of files. If you delete a shortcut, the original file is not affected. Also, you can rename a shortcut icon.
SIM — Subscriber Identity Module — A SIM card contains a microchip that encrypts voice and data transmissions. SIM cards can be used in phones or portable computers.