w w w . d e l l . c o m s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m
•Move the computer away from the receiver.
•Plug the computer into a different outlet so that the computer and the receiver are on different branch circuits.
If necessary, consult a Dell Technical Support representative or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions.
Dell computer systems are designed, tested, and classified for their intended electromagnetic environment. These electromagnetic environment classifications generally refer to the following harmonized definitions:
•Class A is typically for business or industrial environments.
•Class B is typically for residential environments.
Information Technology Equipment (ITE), including peripherals, expansion cards, printers, input/output (I/O) devices, monitors, and so on, that are integrated into or connected to the system should match the electromagnetic environment classification of the computer system.
A Notice About Shielded Signal Cables: Use only shielded cables for connecting peripherals to any Dell device to reduce the possibility of interference with radio communications services. Using shielded cables ensures that you maintain the appropriate EMC classification for the intended environment. For parallel printers, a cable is available from Dell. If you prefer, you can order a cable from Dell on the World Wide Web at accessories.us.dell.com/sna/category.asp?category_id=4117.
Most Dell computer systems are classified for Class B environments. However, the inclusion of certain options can change the rating of some configurations to Class A. To determine the electromagnetic classification for your system or device, refer to the following sections specific for each regulatory agency. Each section provides