Overview of the TX 4000 board | TX 4000 PCI SS7 Network Interface Board Installation Manual |
Utilities and demonstration programs
NaturalAccess Signaling Software provides the following utilities and demonstration programs for the TX 4000 board. Run these programs from the \Program Files\Dialogic\tx\bin directory in Windows and from the /opt/dialogic/tx/bin directory in UNIX. For more information about each utility, refer to the Dialogic® TX Series SS7 Boards TX Utilities Manual.
Utility | Description |
cpcon | Uses NaturalAccess to manage communication with the TX board. This utility is an operator |
| console run from the command line. |
| If you want to bypass the NaturalAccess layer, use the cpcon_ utility to monitor the TX |
| operating system. |
cplot | Loads communications processor tasks to TX boards. |
cpmodel | Displays the board type for each installed TX board. |
pcigetcfg | Obtains bus and slot information during software installation (UNIX only). |
txalarm | Uses NaturalAccess to display and optionally log alarm messages generated by NaturalAccess |
| Signaling Software tasks running on all TX boards. |
| If you want to bypass the NaturalAccess layer, use the txalarm_ utility to display and |
| optionally log alarm messages. |
txccode | Displays a text description of a completion code (error code) reported by a TX board. |
Configures TDM and IP based interfaces on TX 4000 boards. ss7load calls txconfig at board boot time. For more information, refer to the Dialogic® NaturalAccess™ Signaling Software Configuration Manual.
txcpcfg | Assigns CP numbers to TX boards based on bus and slot. |
txdiag | Provides diagnostic information about TX boards. |
Dumps the contents of the shared memory used for communication between the TX board and the host driver.
txeeprom Displays information stored in the EEPROM.
txflash | Updates the operating system stored in the TX board Flash memory. |
txinfo | Obtains detailed TX 4000 board information. |
txlocate | Blinks the end bracket LEDs of a TX 4000 board. |
Resets a TX board and reboots the board from the operating system image stored in Flash memory.
txsnap | Generates a core dump of a TX 4000 board, creating a snapshot file. |
txstats | Displays statistics maintained by the TX device driver. |
12 | Dialogic Corporation |