float c, d;
The definition of float variables ‘c’ and ‘d’ is illegal, because it occurs after
executable code ‘b = a’
30 Variable is undefined This error appears if iteration variable at ‘for’ statement is not defined before
For example,
function foo (int a) ** Function definition
for k = 1 : 10 ** Start ‘for’ loop
a = k ;
end ** End ‘for’ loop
return ; ** Function end
The iteration variable ‘k’ is not defined before its use.
31 Bad separator between
dimensions Bad separator between dimensions (not comma). This error is unused,
because currently it is allowed only one-dimensional arrays and no needs in
separator between dimensions.
32 Bad variable dimension Legal variable dimension must be a positive number inside square brackets. If
the expression inside square brackets is not evaluated into a number or this
number is less then one (zero or negative), it’s illegal.
For example,
int arr[-12];
Variable dimension is negative.
33 Bad function format This error appears at the function definition in the following cases:
1. Illegal function name – not distinct or empty, etc
2. Function definition does not match to its prototype
For example,
function foo (int a) ; ** Function prototype
function foo (float a) ** Function definition
Type of input arguments at the function definition and its prototype does not
34 Illegal minus Minus is illegal in the following cases:
1. Minus before function call with multiple output arguments
2. Minus before round parentheses with multiple expressions inside it.
For example,
[a,b] = -foo(c) ;
-(2+3, c/5);
The first example has illegal minus before function call with multiple
The second example has illegal minus before multiple expressions within
round parentheses.
35 Empty program User program is empty
36 Program is too long User program exc eeds maximal admi ssible length
37 Bad function call The following reasons cause this error:
1. Attempt to jump at the ‘goto’ statement to the function with non zero
number of input or output arguments
2. Consider example:
[a,b,c] = foo(x,y) + 5;
This sentence is illegal.
The Compiler checks if there is an expression terminator straight after
function call with multiple outputs. Otherwise it sets this error.
38 Expression is expected This error appears when expected expression is absent. It may occur at ‘wait’,
‘until, ‘while’, ‘if’, ‘elseif’, ‘switch’ and ‘case’ statements.
For example,
a = 0
An expected expression after ‘if’ is absent.