REM Reminder from division of the number below top of stack by the top
of stack.
RSLTAND Check if number at top of stack and number below are non zero than
condition is true otherwise condition is false
RSLTOR Check if number at top of stack or number below are non zero than
condition is true otherwise condition is false
XOR Bitwise XOR operator – between the number at top of stack and the
number below
NOT Bitwise NOT operator – on the number at the top of stack
SHR Logical right shift the number at the top of stack by the number below
top of stack
SHL Logical left shift the number at the top of stack by the number below
top of stack
AND Bitwise AND operator – between the number at top of stack and the
number below
F_OR Bitwise OR operator – between the number at top of stack and the
number below
UNARY_NOT Check if number at top of stack is non zero than condition is false
otherwise condition is true
RSLTE Compare the number at top of stack with the number below, if they
are equal condition is true
RSLTA Compare the number at top of stack with the number below, if
the first number is bigger condition is true
RSLTAE Compare the number at top of stack with the number below, if
the first number is bigger or they are equal condition is true
RSLTB Compare the number at top of stack with the number below, if
the first number is smaller condition is true
RSLTBE Compare the number at top of stack with the number below, if
the first number is smaller or equal condition is true
RSLTNE Compare the number at top of stack with the number below, if
they are not equal condition is true
MOV Assignment operator (=) between global/local variables, assign value
can also be constant
CMP Compare two values (they can be global/local variables, constants or
from stack), if they are equal condition is true
JMP Jump to different location in program
JMP_EOL Jump to different location in program, and force end of line (stop
execution of current program line until next cycle).
JMP_LABEL Jump to a label
JNZ Jump if value is not zero (tested value can be local/global variable or
JNZ_EOL Jump if value is not zero (tested value can be local/global variable or
constant) and force end of line (stop execution of current program line
until next cycle).
JZ Jump if value is zero (tested value can be local/global variable,
constant or from stack)
JZ_EOL Jump if value is zero (tested value can be local/global variable,
constant or from stack) and force end of line (stop execution of
current program line until next cycle).
SPADD Increase or decrease stack pointer with the value given as an argument
GETINDX Get value from array variable defined in data segment (array member
index is at top of stack)
SETINDX Set value to array variable defined in data segment (array member
index is at top of stack)
Call to function service of a ‘set’
command whose index in the