body For example,
function foo (int a)
wait 2000
return ;
function foo (int a)
until a
This text is illegal, because the function ‘foo’ has multiple bodies.
62 Opcode is not
supported by the
This error occurs if the specified version of the Harmonica does not support
some virtual command.
63 Internal compiler error In a case of internal compiler error, please e-mail for technical support,
Please attach the Composer date and version (In the help menu in the toolbar)
and the program you tried to compile.
64 Expression is not
finished User program contains unfinished sentence: user may use three points to
show that this expression will be continued at the next line. If this
continuation is absent, this error appears.
For example, assume that the last line of user text is:
a = b + 8 / 12 / (8^2*sqrt(2) – sin (3.14/2)) …
After three points the next line supposed to appear, but it is absent.
65 Compiled code is too
long The compiled code exceeds maximal allowable space for the Code Segment
in the serial flash of the Harmonica
66 Corrupted the
Harmonica setup files Ant file with the Harmonica’s setup parameters does not have defined format.
67 Too many variables User program contains too many functions and there no enough space for
them in the database
68 Variable name length
mismatch to the
Harmonica setup
The allowed variable name length is not equal to the defined length of the
69 Auto routine has
argument Auto routine cannot has any input or output argument, otherwise this error
For example,
function AUTOEXEC (int a)
Definition of auto routine with input argument is illegal.
70 Label definition is
inside flow control
Definition of label inside flow control block is illegal otherwise this error
71 Function without return Function has not finished with the keyword ‘return’
72 Block comments is not
finished Comment block has no end.
For example, assume that it is the last line of user program text:
/* Stam comment
Comment block is not closed.
73 Bad function after reset In ‘reset’ statement must be either auto routine or global label or user
function without input arguments, otherwise this error appears.
For example,
reset foo(12)
After ‘reset’ keyword there is user function with input argument.
74 Bad jump to label This error appears in following cases:
1. Attempt to jump to global label from within some function or attempt
to jump to local label from within some global space
2. Attempt to jump to global label from within some function or attempt
to jump to local label from within some global space at ‘goto’
3. Attempt to jump not to label at ‘goto’ label