Appendix A
Point of Presence (POP)
In Internet terms, the physical site that contains an ISP’s network equipment. Remote users dial into the POP, authenticate against the ISP’s customer database, and then gain access to the Internet. ISPs typically have POPs scattered throughout their service area, so that can customers can dial a local phone call and avoid paying long- distance charges when accessing the Internet.
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
The Internet standard for sending network traffic over serial lines, such as
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
A network protocol for linking remote locations over the Internet rather than over costly
A management application running on a Windows NT 4.0 Workstation computer which communicates with Aurorean Policy Servers and Aurorean Network Gateways. Using RiverMaster, a network administrator creates user databases, sets policies for user groups, views
activity logs, and generates usage reports.
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