10. Click Finish Verification. You see a window like this:

Registered applications appear here.

Click to open the selected application.


If your application can only open one file at a time and you have more than one image selected, you’ll have a chance to save the rest of them for later use.

(To register additional applications, see page 98. To remove applications from the display or change application properties, see page 100.)

11.Click the application you want to use, then click the Launch Application button. The application opens and displays your image(s). (Your application opens multiple images only if it supports multiple images.)

Your image is automatically converted to the default format for that application. You can change the default format using the Application Properties window; see page 100 for instructions.

12.When you’re finished working, exit the application. You see the Scan to Application exit screen.

13.Click Exit to close Scan to Application, Continue Scanning to work with additional files, or Return to Start to start the scanning to application process from the beginning.

Scanning 97