
Scan to E-mail supports Lotus® cc:Mail® 6.0, Qualcomm® Eudora Pro® 3.0, Netscape Mail4.x, and MAPI-compliant mail programs like Microsoft Exchange® and Microsoft Outlook® 97.

5.Click Finish in the image selection window.

The software detects the e-mail programs on your computer and lets you choose the one you want to use.

6.Select the e-mail program you want to use, then click Send E-mail.

Your e-mail program opens. You can write a message and then send it with your image or text file attached.

7.When you’re finished e-mailing, close your e-mail program. You see the Scan to E-mail exit screen.

8.Click Exit to close Scan to E-mail, Continue E-mailingto e-mail additional files, or Return to Start to start the scanning to e-mail process from the beginning.
