Selecting Typestyles

normal draft


LMNOPQRSTUVW XY Z C \ I--’ abcdefghijklmnopq.rstuv wxyzI 1 3’+

We’ve just seen your excellent ad for m i n i a t u r e zebras i n a r e c e n t b a c k i s s u e o f T r a d e r ’ s T i m e s . W h a t i s t h e p r i c e schedule for quantities over one gross?

NLQ Roman

!“#$%%-( )*+,- ./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCI)$FGHIJK LMN0PQRSTWWXYZC\l*,' abcdefghijklmnopqmtuv


We've just seen your excellent ad for miniature.aebrga in a recent back issue of * Timee. What is the 'price schedule fob quantities over one prom?

NLQ Sans Serif

!“#b%& (I*+,-. /0123456789:;<=>?@QBCDEFGHIJK

LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZC\]“-’rbcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyzc : 1"

We’ve just seen your excellent ad for miniature zebras in a recent back issue of Trader’s Times. What is the price schedule for quantities over one gross?

3-44 Using the Printer