
Pin labels

To tell the printer whiih,,.pins ,to.&e in each column, )rou ne&a numbering system that separately ident$fies ewh of the eight pins. Since there are 256 possible combinations of the eight pins in each

section, you usethe ,*Geriri&‘b#km shiM W&y.

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To fire any one pin, you send its number. To fire more than one p‘in at tktim& time, add +p the nurtilk~ of the pins and ‘send’ the sum to the pfiter. VVW ‘tl\esc 1&&4&r the piA, you fin the iop pin by sending 128. To fire the b&ttoti *pin; yoti ‘M&&l l.“If you want to irq ,only. the top qnd.bott?m pins, you ,siq\pb @d 128 and I, and send 129.

By addii the appropriate label numbers together, you dan fire any com&Aation’ C&~&U. Mow are’thrke extipld d h& to calculate the number t&tit tili,$ire a particulati pattern of -$ink

4-12Software and Graphics