User-defined Characters

Note: This command cancels any user-defined characters you have created. You must send this command to the printer before you define chaiacters. Also, check, that DW &it& 2-l is off before sending. this command to your priiiter.

If you use this command at the beginning of a program, then define your special characters and select the userde&d charqcter set,, you can print with the user-defined character set as your norxqal chiiacter set. You never need to switch b&k, and forth between sets. ..

The user-defined character sei can be used in combination with most\print styles (except NLQ). For example, emphasized and doubleiwide work well with user-defined characters,

The sample below shows the heart character printed in two different styles.

In IBM emulation mode, you use a different method to define characters. For more information, see page 9-50 in the Command Summary.

4-28Software and Graphics