
4.A new graphics command-isused for each 1ine:printed (hnes 130 to 160). This part of the program is simihrto the last example, but two columns are printed each. time through the loop, making a total of 100.

5.The last important thing to do is to reset the printer to its initial settings, including the normal line spacing (line 180).

Notice that the graphics command (& K)can be in effect for only one print line. To print more than one line of graphics, the graphics command must be isiniisd b&fore ea& line.

Desigming your owe graphics

This section takes you through the development of a graphics program. The example here is not especially complicated, but it does include the ye steps you would use for a more complex figure.

First you mug$&&ide which graphics density you want. The figure

below show$$he





! &WVW#U~~ common m&s so that

you can cg&ose


one, y&u ,want. See page 4-13 for ,$Iist of

available &phics densities.




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Software and Graphics 4-17