Checking the Printer Status
This section describes how to use the Status Monitor menus to get general and detailed printer status information. For detailed printer status information, see “Using the Printer Status window” on page
Using the EPSON Status Monitor 2 window
The main features of the EPSON Status Monitor 2 window are described below.
Installed Printers list
This list displays information on the EPSON printers connected directly to your computer. If you select List from the View menu, this list diplays only the printer names and icons. If you select Details, the list displays the Printer Name, Status, and Job Count.
The Printer Name column displays the names and icons of EPSON printers connected to your computer. You can add or delete printers to be monitored by choosing Add Printer or Delete Printer from the Settings menu. To save computer memory, delete printers you do not need to monitor. (This does not remove the printer driver from your computer.)
The icons that appear beside the printer names change color to reflect changes in printer status. Green indicates a ready status, yellow indicates the need for routine maintenance, red indicates a printer error that makes printing impossible, and a dimmed icon indicates a communication problem between the Status Monitor and the printer. See online help for more information.