hex dump
A troubleshooting feature that helps advanced users detect the cause of communication problems between the printer and computer. When the printer is in hex dump mode, it prints each code that it receives in hexadecimal notation and ASCII code. Also called data dump.
One of three print qualities available on your printer.
To establish the initial default status of the printer by turning the printer on or sending an INIT signal.
input buffer
See memory.
The connection between the computer and the printer. A parallel interface transmits data one character or code at a time, and a serial interface transmits data one bit at a time.
line feed (LF)
A control code and control panel button that advances the paper one line space.
The printer, like a computer, has a memory. When you print a file from a computer, the contents of the file are transferred quickly from the computer’ s memory to the printer’s memory. The printer then prints information from its own memory. This frees the computer to do other work while the printer is still working. The printer memory is sometimes called the buffer, or the input buffer.
micro feed
A feature that adjusts the
near letter quality (NLQ)
One of three print qualities available on your printer. Near letter quality reduces the print speed and increases the number of dots per character to produce