*Next Line first PP, for CR at MPP + 1

(Reference Command 15)


Do you want this changed? (Yes / No)




Alternate Selections:





* Current line





* Next line













*Current Line + 2 is next PP for NL at MPP + 1

(Reference Command 16)



Do you want this changed? (Yes / No)





Alternate Selections:






* Next line






* Current line + 2












* 2nd PP of line 1 on next form, for FF

(Reference Command 17)




Do you want this changed? (Yes / No)






Alternate Selections:







* 1st PP







* 2nd PP











*Line 1 first PP of next form, for valid FF at EOB

(Reference Command 18)



Do you want this changed? (Yes / No)







Alternate Selections:








* Line 2









* Line 1









*FF valid at 1st PP or MPP + 1

(Reference Command 19)






Do you want this changed? (Yes / No)









Alternate Selections:









* FF valid anywhere









* FF valid at 1st PP or MPP + 1








* NL will be added at EOB if not present

(Reference Command 20)






Do you want this changed? (Yes / No)









Alternate Selections:









* FF









* NL












