Do you wish to end? (Yes / No)

NO response continues with following set up selections.

YES response prints: Save current settings? (Yes / No)

YES response prints: Selections stored, turn off unit.

*Multi LF’s used to eject forms

(Reference Command 25)


Do you want this changed? (Yes / No)





Alternate Selections:






* FF






* Multi LF














*Suppress empty forms

(Reference Command 26)



Do you want this changed? (Yes / No)






Alternate Selections:







* Do not suppress empty forms.







* suppress empty forms.













*Do Not FF if data in the printer after time out

(Reference Command 27)



Do you want this changed? (Yes / No)







Alternate Selections:







* Do








* Do not send











*Wrap text beyond MPP

(Reference Command 31)




Do you want this changed? (Yes I No)








Alternate Selections:









* Truncate









* Wrap













