About the EPSON Status Monitor 3 Utility

The EPSON Status Monitor 3 utility that comes with your printer is available for Windows Me, 98, 95, 2000 or NT 4.0. It allows you to monitor your printer’s status, alerts you when printer errors occur, and provides troubleshooting instructions when needed.

The EPSON Status Monitor 3 utility is available only when:



The printer is connected directly to the host computer via the parallel port [LPT1].

Your system is configured to support bidirectional communication.

The EPSON Status Monitor 3 utility is installed when you install the printer driver as described in Chapter 1.


If you install the driver using Add Printer in the Printers folder, or using the “Point and Print” method, EPSON Status Monitor 3 may not function properly. If you want to use EPSON Status Monitor 3, reinstall the driver as described in Chapter 1, “Setting Up the Printer.”

Before using the EPSON Status Monitor 3 utility, be sure to read the README file on the driver disk. This file contains the latest information on the utility.

Setting up EPSON Status Monitor 3Follow these steps to setup EPSON Status Monitor 3:

1.Open the Utility menu as described in “Using the Printer Driver with Windows Me, 98, and 95” on page 3-2or “Using the Printer Driver with Windows 2000 and NT 4.0” on page 3-5.

Using the Printer Software
