Other Common
Printer Problems
QMS 4525 Print System User's Guide6-24

Apple Macintosh Checklist

If you are experiencing problems with printing (not related to print
quality), check the following:
Is the printer properly connected to LocalTalk?
Have you used the Chooser to choose “LaserWriter” and
“QMS 4525 Print System”? T he printer's current name ( as it
appears on the console) is the name that ap pears in the Mac-
intosh's chooser box.
Is AppleTalk or EtherTalk active in the Chooser dialog box?
Is the printer type correct? The default printer type is “Laser-

IBM PC Compatible Computer Checklist

If you are experiencing problems with printing (not related to print
quality), check the following:
Does your application setup match the printer interface set-
Have you set up your printer port at the system level (DOS)
and installed a printer driver in your application? (Refer to
your DOS and application documentation.)
If you are using RS-232C serial interface, are you experienc-
ing a protocol problem? Set the printer to DT R/DSR protocol.
If that does not work, check your serial interface cable.
Other Common Printer Problems

No Start-up Page

If no start-up page pri nts, check the following:
1 Is the printer on line?