MR-8 Owner’s Manual
<About "part">
A "part" is defined as audio data between
the "LOCATE A" and "LOCATE B" points.
Therefore, you have to set the "LOCATE
A" and "LOCATE B" points when editing a
The punch-in and punch-out points set
for the auto punch in/out function also
can be used as the "LOCATE A" and "LO-
CATE B" points.
4) Press the [PLAY] key to start playback of the song.
” (AUTO PUNCH) on the screen changes
to “ ” (REHEARSAL), showing that the
recorder starts the auto punch in/out rehearsal.
The recorder automatically switches the monitor
of the armed track from "repro" to "input" at the
punch-in point, and switches back to "repro" from
"input" at the punch-out point.
Actual recording is not made, though only the
monitor is switched. You can practice as many times
as you like.
Punch in
point Punch out
Input monitor
5) After the punch-out point is passed, locate the
recorder back to the beginning position.
By using the loop function when rehearsing auto
punch in/out, you can concentrate on playing
without bothering to operate the MR-8. See page
51 for details about the loop function.
Actual auto punch in/out
After rehearsing, let's execute actual auto punch
1) Locate the recorder to the point before the punch-
in point.
2) Make sure that "AUTO PUNCH" is shown on the
screen (i.e. the auto punch mode is active).
If it is not shown, Press the [AUTO PUNCH] key.
3) Press the [RECORD] key while holding down the
[PLAY] key.
” (AUTO PUNCH) on the screen changes
to “ ” (TAKE), showing that the recorder
starts execution of the actual auto punch in/out.
The recorder starts playback and automatically
switches to start recording at the punch-in point,
then automatically releases recording at the punch-
out point.
Punch in
point Punch out
You can cancel the auto punch in/out record-
ing you made by pressing the [UNDO/REDO]
In addition to the punch in/out function,
the MR-8 allows you to edit the recorded
material using the following editing func-
Deleting all data on a track
Copying all data on a track and
pasting it to another track
Exchanging all track data between
Deleting a desired part
Copying a desired part on a track and
pasting it to another track
Exchanging parts between tracks
See "Track editing" on page 62 for de-
tails. See “Part editing” on page 68 for