1.6 Safety Information (cont.)
DANGER boxes contain information about actions or conditions, which may cause or result in injury to personnel, may cause damage to your system, and/or cause your system to malfunction.
1.7 Service Personnel
A.Qualified and/or Authorized Operating Personnel: Qualified/authorized operating personnel are those who have carefully read the information in this manual and have familiarized themselves with the equipment functions, or have had previous experience with the operation of equipment covered in this manual.
B.Qualified Installation Personnel: Qualified/authorized personnel are those who have carefully read the information in this manual and have familiarized themselves with the equipment functions, or who have had previous experience with the operation of the equipment covered in this manual.
C.Qualified Service Personnel: Qualified service personnel are those who are familiar with Frymaster equipment and are authorized by Frymaster to perform service on Frymaster equipment. All authorized service personnel are required to be equipped with a complete set of service parts manuals and stock a minimum amount of parts for Frymaster equipment. A list of Frymaster Factory Authorized Service Centers (FASCs) was included with the fryer when shipped from the factory. Failure to use qualified service personnel will void the Frymaster warranty on your equipment.