How to use this manualThis manual contains important information about the safe use of this product. Read the manual thoroughly to understand the information in it before using this product. Be sure to keep this manual in a safe and convenient location for quick reference.
Fujitsu makes every effort to prevent users and bystanders from being injured and to prevent property damage. Be sure to use the product according to the instructions in this manual.
Manuals for the PRIMEQUEST 2000 seriesThe following manuals have been prepared to provide you with the information necessary to use the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series.
You can access HTML versions of these manuals at the following sites:
Title | Description | Manual code |
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Getting | Describes what manuals you should read and how to access | |
Started Guide | important information after unpacking the PRIMEQUEST 2000 |
| series server. (This manual comes with the product.) |
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Safety | Contains important information required for using the | |
and Regulatory Information | PRIMEQUEST 2000 series safely. |
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Errata | Provides errata and addenda for the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series | |
and Addenda | manuals. This manual will be updated as needed. |
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series | Describes the functions and features of the PRIMEQUEST 2000 | |
General Description | series. |
SPARC Enterprise/ PRIMEQUEST | Provides the necessary information and concepts you should | |
Common Installation Planning | understand for installation and facility planning for SPARC |
Manual | Enterprise and PRIMEQUEST installations. |
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series | Includes the specifications of and the installation location | |
Hardware Installation Manual | requirements for the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series. |
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series | Describes how to set up the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series server, | |
Installation Manual | including the steps for installation preparation, initialization, and |
| software installation. |
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series User | Describes how to use the | |
Interface Operating Instructions | operation of the PRIMEQUEST 2000 series server. |
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series | Describes how to use tools and software for system | |
Administration Manual | administration and how to maintain the system (component |
| replacement and error notification). |
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Tool | Provides information on operation methods and settings, including | |
Reference | details on the MMB and UEFI functions. |
PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series | Lists the messages that may be displayed when a problem occurs | |
Message Reference | during operation and describes how to respond to them. |