Ultraviolet Radiation

Ultraviolet radiation which is emitted during normal operation of the Fusion Ultraviolet Lamp System can be dangerous to the eyes and skin of personnel. Adequate shielding around the system and the region to be irradiated must be provided. If unsafe levels of light are allowed to escape during operation, then all personnel in the vicinity of the lamps should be required to wear goggles with UV certified lenses. Protection is needed for indirect as well as direct eye exposure; UV certified lenses are recommended. Discomfort from excessive eye exposure to ultraviolet light typically occurs about six hours after exposure. Personnel who experience eye pain after possible exposure to direct rays from the UV lamp should see a doctor. Furthermore, in the event that adequate shielding is not possible, all personnel within ten feet of the lamp should wear gloves and long-sleeved shirts to protect hands and arms.

There are no present U.S. government standards on worker exposure to ultraviolet light. However, there is a NIOSH document, “Criteria for a Recommended Standard...Occupational Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation” (No. HSM 73-11009), and several useful publications are available from the Bureau of Radiological Health of the Food and Drug Administration.

Microwave Radiation

The Fusion UV Lamp System is powered by high energy RF microwave power. This form of energy is identical to that used in home microwave ovens and, as in the case of ovens, can be dangerous if misused or inadequately shielded. In the Fusion UV lamp, the shielding is adequate only as long as the lamp and the screen on the bottom of the lamp are intact. Any rip or large hole in the screen may lead to microwave radiation leakage in dangerous amounts. The power to the lamp is interlocked to shut off if there is excessive microwave radiation leakage. The lamp system should never be turned on if the lamp housing and screen are not intact, or if the microwave leak detector and interlock are not functioning.

Fusion UV equipment is interlocked to shut down if microwave leakage in excess of 5 mW/cm2 (milliwatts per square centimeter) is detected.

26F300S/F300SQ Ultraviolet Lamp System