Irradiator Mounting

The irradiator mounting structure must also provide UV shielding and adequate venting for the cooling air. This is described on the following pages. Each user will normally design the mounting structure to suit the particular application, and the user is responsible for providing the required shielding and ventilation. (Irradiator dimensions are shown in Appendix C, “Outline Drawings” and detailed in the Appendix A, “Specifications”.

The easiest and most common mounting position is with the irradiator vertical and the screen at the bottom 53 mm (2.1 in.) above the substrate. Simply rest the module on a pair of angle irons oriented in the same direction as the lamp bulb. One common mounting scheme is shown in Figure 5.

Vertical mounting requires that no part of the support can push against the irradiator screen, causing it to tear. Provisions may be made for raising or lowering the support structure with respect to the substrate to be irradiated. This allows the user to optimize the curing by working in focus or somewhat out of focus.

Figure 5. Vertical Mounting Design for Irradiators

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual # 509252 Rev R