5.Remove and discard the PWB and inspect the UV filter lens for damage.

6.Replace the photoresistor and UV filter lens assembly.

7.Reinstall the housing.

Photoresistor PWBPhotoresistor mating


PhotoresistorUV filter lensPhotoresistor mounting block Photoresistor block mounting holesFigure 28. Photoresistor Assembly for Direct View (I300M)

Filament Transformer Removal/Replacement

1.Remove the irradiator housing.

2.Cut the cable ties and slide the PVC tubing off the magnetron connections.

3.Remove the filament terminal screws. Disconnect the leads at the primary terminals. Remove the two anchor screws holding the transformer to the side rail, and remove the transformer.

4.Replace the transformer by reversing the process.

88F300S/F300SQ Ultraviolet Lamp System