DMX Protocol
DL.3 Digital Light User Manual 239
Internal Camera Functions (DL.2 fixtures only)
11 NA Camera Zoom Zoom position 0-
65535 0-100 32768 50
NA Camera Focus
Focus position. 0-511
0-100 0 0
14 Manual Focus from In (Far End) to Out (Near End) 512-
15 NA Infrared
Camera’s IR sensing off, illuminator off 0-63 0-24
0 0
Camera’s IR sensing on, illuminator off 64-127 25-49
Camera’s IR sensing on, illuminator scaled across
the range from FULL to OFF 128-255 50-100
16 NA Camera
Auto Exposure = Full Auto 0-63 0-25
0 0
Auto Exposure = Shutter Priority,
Shutter Speed = 30 64-95 26-38
Auto Exposure = Shutter Priority,
Shutter Speed = 15 96-126 39-49
Auto Exposure = Shutter Priority,
Shutter Speed = 8 127-157 50-62
Auto Exposure = Shutter Priority,
Shutter Speed = 4 158-188 63-74
Auto Exposure = Shutter Priority,
Shutter Speed = 2 189-219 75-86
Auto Exposure = Shutter Priority,
Shutter Speed = 1 220-255 87-100
17 NA White Balance
Auto Balance 0-63 0-25
0 0
Indoor 64-95 26-38
Outdoor 96-127 39-49
Enable Manual Red and Blue gain value
adjustment 128-191 50-74
Reserved - no change from previous state 192-255 75-100
18 NA Camera
Flip OFF, Mirror OFF 0-63 0-25
0 0
Flip OFF, Mirror ON 64-127 26-50
Flip ON, Mirror OFF 128-191 51-75
Flip ON, MIrror ON 192-255 76-100
19 NA Camera Effects
Freeze Frame OFF, Negative Art, B&W OFF 0-63 0-25
0 0
Freeze Frame ON, Negative Art, B&W OFF 64-127 26-49
Freeze Frame OFF, Negative Art, B&W ON 128-159 50-62
Freeze Frame ON, Negative Art, B&W ON 160-191 63-75
Freeze Frame OFF, B&W ON 192-223 76-88
Freeze Frame ON, B&W ON 224-255 89-100
20 NA Red Gain Red gain adjustment (Requires White Balance
Mode = 128-191) 0-255 0-100 0 0
21 NA Blue Gain Blue Gain adjustment (Requires White Balance
Mode = 128-191) 0-255 0-100 0 0
Channel # Function Description Value Default
DL.2 Axon dec. %dec. %