DMX Protocol
242 DL.3 Digital Light User Manual
23 2Global
Effect 1
RGB Swap to BGR
Mod1 = red, Mod2 = green, Mod3 = blue 41
NA 0 0
RGB Swap to RBG
Mod1 = red, Mod2 = green, Mod3 = blue 42
RGB Swap to GRB
Mod1 = red, Mod2 = green, Mod3 = blue 43
Colorize Gray Scale maps pixel intensity to color:
Mod1 = Color Scheme selection, Mod2 = Zero
intensity point in color scheme, Mod3 = Fading 44
Intensity key turns pixels of selected intensity
transparent: Mod1= Color Scheme, Mod2=
Intensity bandwidth, Mod3 = Transparency level 45
Raindrop effect. Mod1 = size/speed,
Mod2=position, and Mod3 = raindrop rate. 46
RGB Scale. Mod1= scale red, Mod2=scale green,
Mod3=scale blue. Maximum of Mod1, Mod2 and
Mod3 sets overall color range 47
Reserved. Defaults to effect 0 48
Color to Alpha. Mod1 = red to alpha, Mod2 =
green to alpha, Mod3 = blue to alpha 49
Color to Alpha, Inverted. Mod1 = inverted red to
alpha, Mod2 = inverted green to alpha, Mod3 =
inverted blue to alpha 50
Texture Mixing. Mod1= Source media file, Mod2=
Source effect level, Mod3= Crossfade from
original to source texture 51
Image Scale and Rotate. Mod1=scales image,
Mod2= rotation angle, Mod3=rotation speed 52
Film Roll. Mod1=horizontal roll speed,
Mod2=vertical roll speed, Mod3=Image scale 53
Pixelate. Mod1=Amount of pixelation,
Mod2=horizontal scaler, Mod3=vertical scaler 54
Faux LED. Mod1 =”LED” size, Mod2 = spacing,
Mod 3 = color peaking 55
Faux Tile. Mod1 = Tile size, Mod2 = spacing,
Mod 3 = color peaking 56
Fuzzifier. Mod1 = Horizontal distance, Mod2 =
vertical distance, Mod3 = fuzz decay 57
Drop Shadow. Mod1 = horizontal size, Mod2 =
vertical size, Mod3 = shadow opacity 58
Zoom Blur. Mod1 = horizontal position center,
Mod2 = vertical position center, Mod3 = zoom 59
Chroma Shift. Mod1 = horizontal shift, Mod2 =
vertical shift, Mod3 = Scale 60
ShakeNBake. Mod1 = horizontal shake, Mod2 =
vertical shake, Mod3 = Scale 61
Slats, Vertical. Mod1 = number,
Mod2 = displacement, Mod3 = fade 62
Channel # Function Description Value Default
DL.2 Axon dec. %dec. %