DMX Protocol
DL.3 Digital Light User Manual 255
66 45 Play Speed
Normal Speed 0 0
128 50
Slow speeds from slowest toward normal 1-127 1-49
Normal Speed 128 50
Faster than Normal to Fastest 129-255 51-100
Graphic 1 Synchronization
67 46 Sync Mode
No selection 0 0
0 0
Sync to Graphic 1 movie time 1
Sync to Graphic 2 movie time 2
Sync to Graphic 3 movie time 3
Sync to Object rotation 1 4
Sync to Object rotation 2 5
Sync to Object rotation 3 6
Sync to reverse Object rotation 1 7
Sync to reverse Object rotation 2 8
Sync to reverse Object rotation 3 9
Sync to Graphic movie time and rotation 1 10
Sync to Graphic movie time and rotation 2 11
Sync to Graphic movie time and rotation 3 12
Sync to Graphic movie time + reverse rotation 1 13
Sync to Graphic movie time + reverse rotation 2 14
Sync to Graphic movie time + reverse rotation 3 15
Reserved. Defaults to mode 0, no selection. 16- 255
68 47 Sync To
No Selection 0
NA 0 0
Sync to Fixture ID Number 1 1
Sync to Fixture ID Number 2
. . .
Sync to Fixture Number 254
. . .
Sync to Fixture ID Number 255 255
Graphic 1 Effects
69 48 Visual Mode
Off. No visual mode processing applied to output. 0
NA 1 1
Content Optimization
Mod1 = black level, Mod2 = contrast. 1
Sepia tones. Mod1 fades from original color to
sepia colors. Mod2 controls saturation. 2
Red tones. Mod1 fades from original color to red
tones. Mod2 controls saturation. 3
Gray maker. Mod1 compresses colors to shades
of gray. Mod2 adjusts contrast 4
Gray maker2. Always gray. Mod1 = brightness,
Mod2 = contrast 5
Channel # Function Description Value Default
DL.2 Axon dec. %dec. %