5K320 SATA OEM Specification Attribute Data Structure
The following defines the 12 bytes that make up the information for each Attribute entry in the Device Attribute Data Structure.
Attribute ID Number (01h to FFh)
Status Flags
Bit 0 Pre
Bit 1 On
Bit 2
Bit 6
Attribute Value (valid values from 01h to FEh)
00h invalid for attribute value – not to be used
01h minimum value
64h initial value for all attributes prior to any data collection
FDh maximum value
FEh value is not valid
FFh invalid for attribute value - not to be used
Res erved (may not be 0)
Reserved (may not be 0)
Reserved (00h)
Total Bytes
| Bytes | Offset | Format |
| 1 | 00h | binary |
| 2 | 01h | bit flags |
1 | 03h | binary |
1 | 04h | binary |
6 | 05h | binary |
1 | 0Bh | binary |
Table 113 Individual Attribute Data Structure
Attribute ID Numbers: Any
ID | Attribute Name |
0 | Indicates that this entry in the data structure is not used |
1 | Raw Read Error Rate (*) |
2 | Throughput Performance (*) |
3 | Spin Up Time |
4 | Start/Stop Count |
5 | Reallocated Sector Count |
7 | Seek Error Rate |
8 | Seek Time Performance (*) |
9 | |
10 | Spin Retry Count |
12 | Device Power Cycle Count |
191 | G Sense error rate |
192 | Power off retract count |
193 | Load/Unload cycle count |
194 | Device Temperature |
196 | Reallocation Event Count |
197 | Current Pending Sector Count |
198 | |
199 | Ultra DMA CRC Error Count |
223 | Load Retry Count |
Status Flag Definitions: