1- 14
Function Mode
Code Function name L300P Setting range Initial data
-FE/-FU/-FR N o t e
C070 Data command 02(operator)/03(RS485)/04(option1)/05(option2) 02
C071 Communicating
transmission speed 02(loop-back test)/03(2400bps)/04(4800bps)/
05(9600bps)/06(19200bps) 04
C072 Communication code 1. -32. 1.
C073 Communication bit 7(7bit)/8(8bit) 7
C074 Communication parity 00(no parity name)/01(even parity)/02(odd parity) 00
C075 Communication stop bit 1(bit)/2(bit) 1
C078 Communication waiting
time 0.-1000.(ms) 0.
C081 O adjustment 0.-9999./1000-6553(10000-65530) Setting on
C082 OI adjustment 0.-9999./1000-6553(10000-65530) Setting on
C083 O2 adjustment 0.-9999./1000-6553(10000-65530) Setting on
C085 Thermistor adjustment 0.0 - 1000. 105.0
C086 AM offset adjustment 0.0 - 10.0(V) 0.0
C087 AMI adjustment 0. - 255. 80
C088 AMI offset adjustment 0. - 20.0( mA) 4.0
b034 RUN time/Power ON time
level 0.-9999./1000-6553(10000-65530)hr 0.
b035 Operation direction restrict 00(Reverse is valid)/01(Only forward)/02(Only reverse) 00
b036 Start reduced voltage 00(Start reduced voltage time small)
-06(Start reduced voltage time large) 06
b037 Display selection 00(all display)/01(each function display)/
02(User setting / main setting) 00
b080 AM adjustment 0. - 255. 180
b081 FM adjustment 0. - 255. 60
b082 Start frequency adjustment 0.10-9.99(Hz) 0.50
b083 Carrier frequency setting 0.5-12.0(kHz) Derating enable, <0.5-8.0kHz> 3.0
b084 Initialize mode 00(Trip history clear)/01(Data initialization)/
02(Trip history clear + data initialization) 00
b085 Country code for
initialization 00(Interior)/01(EC)/02(USA) 01/02/00
b086 Frequency scalar
conversion factor 0.1-99.9 1.0
b087 STOP key enable 00(valid)/01(invalid) 00
b088 Resume on FRS
cancellation mode 00(0Hz start)/01(Start f-equaling) 00
b090 BRD usage ratio 0.0-100.0(%) 0.0
b091 Stop mode selection 00(deceleration stop)/01(Free-run stop) 00
b092 Cooling fan control 00(Always ON)/01(ON during run, After power ON, then for 5 minutes
on stop is implied.) 00
b095 BRD selection 00(invalid)/01(valid<invalid during stop>)/
02(valid<valid during stop>) 00
b096 BRD ON level 330-380/660-760(V) 360/720
b098 Thermistor selection 00(invalid)/01(Positive temperature coefficient enable)/
02 (NTC enable) 00
b099 Thermistor error level 0. 9999. (ohm) 3000.
C061 Thermal warning level 0. 100. (%) 80
C091 Debug mode selection 00(No display)/01(Display) 00
C101 UP/DWN selection 00(No frequency data)/01(Keep frequency data) 00
C102 Reset selection 00(Trip cancel during ON)/01(Trip cancel during OFF)/
02(Valid only during trip<Cancel during ON>) 00
C103 Reset f frequency matching
selection 00(0Hz start)/01(Start f-equaling) 00
C121 O zero adjustment 0.-9999./1000-6553(10000-65530) Set on
C122 OI zero adjustment 0.-9999./1000-6553(10000-65530) Set on
C123 O2 zero adjustment 0.-9999./1000-6553(10000-65530) Set on
H003 1st allowable motor
selection 0.20-90.0(kW) <0.20-160(kW)> Set on
H203 2nd allowable motor
selection 0.20-90.0(kW) <0.20-160(kW)> Set on
H004 1st motor pole selection 2/4/6/8(pole) 4
H204 2nd motor pole selection 2/4/6/8(pole) 4
H006 1st stabilized factor 0. - 255. 100.
H206 2nd stabilized factor 0. - 255. 100.
P001 Option1 operation selection
on error 00(TRP)/01(RUN) 00
P002 Option2 operation selection
on error 00(TRP)/01(RUN) 00
P031 Digital input option input
mode selection(Acc/Dec) 00(operation)/01(option1)/02(option2) 00
P044 DeviceNet running order of
monitoring timer setting 0.00-99.99s 1.00
P045 Setting in action of
abnormal communication 00(trip)/01(trip after deceleration stop)/02(invalid)/
03(free-run)04(deceleration stop) 0.
P046 Output assemble instance
Number setting 20,21,100 21
P047 Input assemble instance
Number setting 70,71,101 71
P048 Detect of idol mode for
motion setting 00(trip)/01(trip after deceleration stop)/02(invalid)/
03(free-run)04(deceleration stop) 01
P049 Pole setting of rotation
speed 0-38(even only) 0
(Note) < > indicate the setting range of 90 to 132kW

(Note1)P044-P049 are displayed on a 0.4-75kW model.

Analog meter setting
The others