1- 6
Function mode
Code Function name SJ300 Setting range Initial data
-FE/-FU/-F Note
C011 Intelligent input 1 a/b
(NO/NC) selection 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
C012 Intelligent input 2 a/b
(NO/NC) selection 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
C013 Intelligent input 3 a/b
(NO/NC) selection 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
C014 Intelligent input 4 a/b
(NO/NC) selection 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
C015 Intelligent input 5 a/b
(NO/NC) selection 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
C016 Intelligent input 6 a/b
(NO/NC) selection 00(NO)/01(NC) 00/01/00
C017 Intelligent input 7a/b
(NO/NC) selection 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
C018 Intelligent input 8 a/b
(NO/NC) selection 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
C019 Input FW a/b (NO/NC)
Selection 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
C021 Intelligent output 11 setting 01
C022 Intelligent output 12 setting 00
C023 Intelligent output 13 setting 03
C024 Intelligent output 14 setting 07
C025 Intelligent output 15 setting 08
C026 Alarm relay output
00(RUN:running)/01(FA1:Frequency arrival type1 signal)/
02(FA2:over setting frequency)/03(OL:Overload advance notice signal)/
04(OD:Output deviation for PID control)/05( AL:Alarm signal)/
06(FA3:Only setting frequency)/07(OTQ:Over-torque signal)/
08(IP:On instantaneous stop)/09(UV:Under voltage)/
10(TRQ:Torque limit)/11(RNT:RUN time over/12(ONT:ON time over)/
13(THM:thermal caution)/19(BRK:Brake release signal)/
20(BER:Brake error signal)/21(ZS:Zero speed detect signal)/
22(DSE:Speed error over signal)/23(POK:Positioning completion signal)
24(FA4:Over frequency 2 signal)/25(FA5:Only setting frequency)/
26(OL2: Overload advance notice signal 2)
(Intelligent output terminal 11-13 or 11-14 becomes AC0-AC2 or AC0-AC3
(Can:Alarm cord output) forcibly when alarm cord output is selected in
C062) 05
C027 FM selection 00(Output frequency)/01(Output current) /02(Output torque)/
03(Digital output frequency)/04(Output voltage)/
05(Input electric power)/06(thermal load rate)/07(LAD frequency) 00
C028 AM selection 00(Output frequency)/01(Output current)/02(Output torque)/
04(Output voltage)/05(Input electric power)/06(thermal load rate)/
07(LAD frequency) 00
C029 AMI selection 00(Output frequency)/01(Output current)/02(Output torque)/
04(Output voltage)/05(Input electric power)/
06(Thermal load rate)/07(LAD frequency) 00
C031 Intelligent output 11 a/b 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
C032 Intelligent output 12 a/b 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
Intelligent output 13 a/b 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
Intelligent output 14 a/b 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
Intelligent output 15 a/b 00(NO)/01(NC) 00
Alarm relay output a/b 00(NO)/01(NC) 01
C040 Overload advance notice
signal output mode 00(On accel. And decel, constant speed)/01(Only constant speed) 01
C041 Overload advance notice
level 0.0-2.0*rated current(A) Inverter
rated current
C042 Frequency arrival setting for
acceleration. 0.00-99.99/100.0-400.0(Hz) 0.00
C043 Arrival frequency setting for
deceleration.0.00-99.99/100.0-400.0(Hz) 0.00
PID deviation setting level 0.0-100.0(%) 3.0
C045 Frequency arrival setting for
acceleration 2. 0.00-99.99/100.0-400.0(Hz) 0.00
C046 Arrival frequency setting for
deceleration 2.0.00-99.99/100.0-400.0(Hz) 0.00
C055 Over torque level setting
(Forward-driving) 0.-200.(%) <0.-180.> 100.
C056 Over torque level setting
(Reverse-regenerating) 0.-200.(%) 100.
C057 Over torque level setting
(Reverse-driving) 0.-200.(%) <0.-180.> 100.
C058 Over torque level setting
(Forward-regenerating) 0.-200.(%) <0.-180.> 100.
C061 Thermal warning level
setting 0.-100.(%) <0.-180.> 80.
Alarm code selection 00(Invalid)/01(3bit)/02(4bit) 00
C063 Zero speed detection level
setting 0.00-99.99/100.(Hz) 0.00
Data command 02(operator)/03(RS485)/04(option1)/05(option2) 02
C071 Communicating transmission
speed 02(loop-back test)
03(2400bps)/04(4800bps)/05(9600bps)/06(19200bps) 04
Communication code 1. -32. 1.
Communication bit 7(7bit)/8(8bit) 7
C074 Communication parity 00(no parity name)/01(even parity)/02(odd parity) 00
Communication stop bit 1(bit)/2(bit) 1
Communication waiting time
0.-1000.(ms) 0.
C081 O adjustment 0.-9999./1000-6553(10000-65530) Setting on
C082 OI adjustment 0.-9999./1000-6553(10000-65530) Setting on
C083 O2 adjustment 0.-9999./1000-6553(10000-65530) Setting on
Thermistor adjustment 0.0 - 1000. 105.0
C086 AM offset adjustment 0.0 - 10.0(V) 0.0
C087 AMI adjustment 0. - 255. 80
C088 AMI offset adjustment 0. - 20.0(mA) 4.0
(Note) < > indicate the setting range of 75 to 150kW
Analog meter setting
Intelligent output terminal setting
Input terminal setting
Output terminal state
setting,Output level setting
function adjustment