HP E1433A User's Guide
Register Definitions
The HP E1433A VXI Registers
The HP E1433A
Users do not need to access the registers in order to use the HP E1433A. The HP E1433A’s functions can be more easily accessed using the
HP E1432A Host Interface Library software (which is used for both the HP E1433A and the HP E1432A 16 Channel 51.2 kSa/sec Digitizer plus DSP). However this chapter describing the registers is provided for your information.
The A16 Registers
The following A16 registers are accessible at the base address defined by the device’s logical address. The register at offsets 0016to E16are not accessible using longword (D32) accesses. The registers at offsets 1016to 3E16may be accessed by any of the D08(EO), D16, or D32 modes. All of these registers are also accessible at the device A24 base address.