HP E1433A User's Guide
Using the HP E1433A
What is VXIplug&play?
The fundamental idea behind VXIplug&play is to provide VXI users with a level of standardization across different vendors well beyond what the VXI standard specifications spell out. The VXIplug&play Alliance specifies a set of core technologies centering on a standard instrument driver technology.
HP offers VXIplug&play drivers for
VXIplug&play drivers
The HP E1433A uses the same drivers as the HP E1432A 16 Channel 51.2 kSa/sec Digitizer plus DSP.
The HP E1432A VXIplug&play driver is based on the following architecture:
U s e r P ro g ra m (.E X E & .H LP file s, s u c h a s s o ft fro n t p a n e l)
F u n c tio n Pa n e l (b a s e d o n .F P file
P ro g ra m m a tic D e v e lo p e r's In te rfa c e Lib ra ry
In s tru m e n t D riv e r
(.K B, .D LL, .C , . H , .LIB, .H LP file )
I/O In te rfa c e
Figure 3-1: VXI Plug&Play driver architecture
It is most useful to discuss this architecture from the bottom up.
The VISA/VTL I/O interface allows interoperability of the VXIplug&play driver technology across interfaces.