Table 49 RADIUS service settings (continued)






Enable (True) or disable (False) this server for user account


authentication. A user authentication RADIUS server requires a secure


management connection (SSL). The default is True.




Enable (True) or disable (False) this server for auditing of activity during


a user session. When enabled, user activity is audited whether


UserAuthServer is enabled or not. The default is False. The accounting


server UDP port number is the ServerUDPPort value plus 1 (default






Number of seconds to wait to receive a response from the RADIUS


server before timing out. The default is 2.




Number of retries after the first attempt to establish communication with


the RADIUS server fails. The default is 0.




Enable (True) or disable (False) the use of sign packets to protect the


RADIUS server packet integrity. The default is False.




32-byte hex string or 16-byte ASCII string used as a password for


authentication purposes between the switch and the RADIUS server.




Prompts you in a line-by-line fashion to enable or disable switch services. Table 50 describes the switch service parameters. For each parameter, enter a new value or press Enter to accept the current value shown in brackets.

NOTE: Use caution when disabling TelnetEnabled and GUIMgmtEnabled; it is possible to disable all Ethernet access to the switch.

Table 50 Switch services settings






Enables (True) or disables (False) the ability to manage the switch over


a Telnet connection. Disabling this service is not recommended. The


default is True.




Enables (True) or disables (False) Secure Shell (SSH) connections to the


switch. SSH secures the remote connection to the switch. To establish a


secure remote connection, your workstation must use an SSH client.


The default is False.




Enables (True) or disables (False) out-of-band management of the


switch with McDATA Web Server, Application Programming Interface,


SNMP, and CIM. If this service is disabled, the switch can only be


managed in-band. The default is True.