Show (About, Alarm, Backtrace, Chassis, Config Port, Config Security, Config Switch, Config Threshold, Dev, Dev Settings, Domains, Fabric, Log, Log Archive, Log Settings, Lsdb, Mem, Ns, Perf, Port, Setup Mfg, Setup Snmp, Setup System, Steering, Switch, Topology, Users)

UptimeUser AccountsWhoamiZoneset (Active, List)Zoning (History, Limits, List)


Displays switch operational information. Table 54 describes the switch operational parameters.

Table 54 Switch operational parameters






Descriptive name for the switch




Switch World Wide Name



SwitchTypeSwitch model




PROM boot version



CreditPoolNumber of port buffer credits available to recipient ports



DomainIDSwitch domain ID



FirstPortAddressFC address of switch port 0



FlashSize - MBytesSize of the flash memory in megabytes



LogLevelEvent severity level used to record events in the event log



MaxPortsNumber of ports available on the switch



NumberOfResetsNumber of times the switch has been reset over its service life



ReasonForLastResetAction that caused the last reset



ActiveImageVersion —Active firmware image version and build date
build date




PendingImageVersion —Firmware image version and build date that is pending. This image will

build date

become active at the next reset or power cycle.



ActiveConfigurationName of the switch configuration that is in use




Switch administrative state



AdminModeActiveAdmin session status



BeaconOnStatusBeacon status as set by the Set Beacon command



OperationalStateSwitch operational state



PrincipalSwitchRolePrincipal switch status. True indicates that this switch is the principal





BoardTemp (1) —Internal switch temperature at circuit board sensor 1
Degrees Celsius




SwitchDiagnosticsStatusResults of the POST



SwitchTemperatureStatusSwitch temperature status: normal, warning, failure



182 Command Line Interface